It was a Great Start!

I'm already in the grade 10 level of this year, and I can say that the first quarter was a memorable experience, and there were lots of new knowledge that we have learned and was inherited to our minds. Time was moving so fast, that I didn't notice, 2 months already has passed.

It was my first time entering the world of Blogs. At first, I didn't know what to do, since it was my first time, but as time goes on, I learned how to use it. I didn't know what good does blogging do to us, but due to the continuous posting of ideas in our blogs, I suddenly noticed that my grammar was improving a little bit, and my vocabularies have been extended. Blogging surely is helpful to us. The "Internet" was also a part of our lesson. It was great having the opportunity to know everything about it. How does it work, how did it start, who started it, and other details about the internet. I am very lucky that I had the chance to learn about these things, because sooner or later, I will have to use this knowledge in the future.

However, we still can't avoid challenges while we are learning. On the first quarter, there were lots of challenges that  needs to overcome. One of these is that my writing skills sucks, it is hard for me to express my words well through writing. Another is that there were lots of other things that needs to be done aside from blogging, I had a hard time finding time for my blog. Challenges are a bit too much but I was able to overcome them. I tried really hard, I gave  too much attention to our requirements, and I never gave up, maybe because of these, I was able to overcome them.

Moving on. I will try to improve myself in order to face the challenges of the incoming quarters. I think blogging is now already a part of my grade 10 years, so I'm looking forward to gain more skills through it. Grade 10 life is not bad, after all, otherwise it was a great start taking steps of this school year. Not bad!


  1. That's great. Never give up! Good luck!

  2. It is really hard to do blogging especially when it is your first time but what is important is you are able to overcome the challenges you've met.

  3. Great composition, I think you really have improved. ;)


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