Nothing Could Break Us Apart

Over the past years, the Philippines have encountered numerous calamities capable of destroying the citizen's hope.  Typhoon Haiyan is a great example of these calamities that swept the Visayas region, specifically in Tacloban. Another is the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck the provinces of Bohol. However, despite these destructice phenomenons, the Filipinos remains resilient and strong. We, we can not be defeated by these calamities, 'cause their natural, and they will always be there. So, we don't need to escape from them, instead, we face them bravely  and keep it from destroying us.

At times like this, the Filipinos remains resilient because unity can be easily created, we could not afford that someone will be left behind and couldn't stand on their feet. Resilient communities are better to bounce back and recover. We should enhance our spirits to remain resilient at all times in order to decrease the amounts of loss. ans we should know that in planning, we should do it altogether.  In this way, we can help our society especially yo our fellow citizens who experiences and suffer from this natural hazards.

We should move now and work together. Let us avoid being a top-down approach individual, but instead, let us spread the bottom-up approach, so that we will be ready and work together facing these natural disasters. We should not be selfish and we should help others. We should be alert all the time because we don't know when do these disasters occur. So, we should start enhancing ourselves and be strong to lessen the economic burdens cause by disasters.


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