Importance Of Independence Day as a Filipino

It's been 120 years since our suffering ends in the hand of invaders. Many Philippine heroes fought for the freedom of our country. June 12, 1898 when Emilio Aguinaldo raised our Philippine flag. Many Filipinos lost their lives. Many historical events that happened.

We Filipinos celebrate Independence Day every June 12 for us to give salute to all of those who sacrificed for the better of our beloved country. Celebrating Independence Day is one of the most important day that Filipinos to celebrate, because celebrating it is the way we show our gratitude. It reminds us that we are strong and brave no matter what happen. Aside from commemorating our hand-earned freedom, celebrating Independence Day could be a good opportunity to revive our cultures from the past.

Therefore, we Filipinos  should never forget and will continue celebrating Independence Day because its our pride as Filipinos. We should  never forget our heroes for they are our savior. We are now living on a peaceful country so we better take care of it. We should fight our country and never let others step on our dignities.


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