Nutrition Month 2018

       Many people of today's generation has been already eaten by gadgets. They neglect their own health and let their lives be ruled with personal computers, phones and others. Our health was more important, but we couldn't help ourselves. Gadgets there, gadgets everywhere. In today's generation, planting is not a thing anymore. It feels like, as time passes by, lesser and lesser people  are into planting. Instead of eating fresh fruits and vegetables, we let ourselves consume fast-food and ready-to-eat meals that full of chemicals. That is just not the way to treat ourselves.
       July 2018. Nutrition month is celebrated with the theme "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin." Planting is the way to harvest good nutrition. The importance of vegetables and fruits is to give nutrition in our body. Family gardening can help us to improve healthy foods for Filipinos. It is a big help to us, to gain more nutrients, it can be also a source of income.

       So, we should plant now and gain more. We should think the best for us. Planting is a good way to be a healthy person and to be a good person. Planting is not only to our own good but also to our environment. I hope that this year's nutrition month will help us to be a responsible person.


  1. The flow of your words were so soft. It was worth reading. Great job! :)

  2. Your words tells us that by choosing the right food can make your body healthy.


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